
Individual & Couples Therapy and Workshops for Personal and Spiritual Growth

Relational Fengshui couples therapy draws inspiration from Chinese culture, Indian Tantric wisdom, and the ancestral roots of my homeland, Slovenia.

The term feng shui originates from Chinese and consists of two characters: 風 (wind) and 水 (water). We live in a time when it is essential to thoroughly air out our relationships and create a healthy, free-flowing dynamic. 

The purpose of Relational Feng Shui is to provide support and guidance in raising awareness and healing individual, family, and collective traumas. Only then can relationships between men and women once again become truly restorative and transformative.

About me

My name is Špela Gornik, and my life's mission is healing. I am not a doctor or a healer in the conventional sense—I do not heal bodies, but rather personality, spirituality, using tantric energy. The connection between partners and relational couples therapy is just the tip of the iceberg.

My life's journey has taken me around the world, and for over two decades, I have dedicated myself to studying ancient Chinese classics on cultivating healing sexual energy (养生法). I hold a degree in Sinology, speak fluent Chinese, and my thesis on sexuality in relation to classical Chinese medicine continues to inspire my work with couples, alongside relational therapy.

As a couples therapist, I take a holistic approach to people and relationships. In 2024, I had the opportunity to apply my expertise on the popular TV show Married at First Sight, where I helped newlyweds navigate the challenges of building a strong foundation for their relationships.

Relational Fengshui

Shame, fear, trauma, and the pressures connected to a fast-paced lifestyle undermine one's capacity to love and be loved."

How to Improve Closeness and Intimacy in Relationships? 

I invite you to embark on a journey of Integrative Holistic Therapy, rooted in the intelligence of the sensuous. Relational Feng Shui is a grounded spiritual path toward clarity, integrity, and deeply loving relationships. It combines sex therapy and relationship counseling with alternative practices, focusing on cherishing your needs and boundaries.

It draws from Cross-Cultural Studies, Daoist and Sri Vidya Tantra, as well as trauma work, ancestral healing, recovery, and the latest discoveries in neurobiology. Its aim is to free individuals and couples from the constraints of psychological patriarchy, enabling us to learn how to embody true intimacy.

Sex is more than just genitals and orgasms. Sexuality encompasses self-esteem, body image, intimacy, touch, the past and the future, and openness to the power of Eros. Eros refers to passionate love, sexual desire, and emotional or physical attraction. It also symbolizes the life force or creative energy that drives human connection, creativity, and personal transformation, representing a deeper yearning for intimacy, pleasure, and the meaning of life.

Uniquely tailored Zoom therapy and coaching sessions will support you in co-creating genuine relational experiences that become part of your body and transform the meaning you assign to yourself in the world.

During the coaching part of the session, you will have the opportunity to practice relating in a healing way, and then use these new skills with your partner.

"Only a person who is able to bridge the objective and the subjective, a person who is able to bridge the East and the West, a person who is able to bridge the materialist and the spiritualist, can be a whole person. The world is waiting for the whole human being. If the whole human being does not arrive soon, then there is no future for humanity. And the whole human being can come only through deep, profound intelligence." (Osho)

Let's heal sexuality from past influences and our culture's limited view by remembering our true power."



"Usual sessions with Spela include conversation and bodywork. However, sometimes I only need to talk with someone who is objective, understanding, who is not judging me and can help." 


"I cannot praise Špela enough. She is utterly professional while also being empathetic. Absolutely non-judgemental, so there is no difficulty in opening up to her. Spela is to be recommended for anyone seeking spiritual healing by means of sensual discovery."


"As a side effect of once-weekly therapy sessions with Spela, I developed a multi-orgasmic response pattern."


"Spela is a trustful, nice, attentive, person who can create a very strong connection with people easily. I felt safe and secure with her. The world is more threatening and agressive than kind and peaceful so this is rare and precious to feel safe and surrounded by kindness. The experience was really positive for me, followed by many dreams and visions."


"Sessions with Spela were both healing and eye opening in terms of energy transformation- I feel like I've finally experienced something which was previously just a concept in my head."

Tantra is a path to befriending yourself by uncovering your essence beneath the masks of your everyday personality

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